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Blue Nile Consulting is a Boutique Business Consultancy
We're a boutique consultancy that empowers businesses, both within and beyond the food industry, to unlock their full potential.

Stop Wasting Time, Start Winning Customers

  • Effortless Training & Retention: We build the ultimate AI-powered SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) platform, streamlining staff training and boosting retention.

  • Unforgettable Products & Branding: Create crave-worthy products that keep customers coming back for more. We craft memorable branding that captures attention and builds loyalty.

  • Product & Market Evaluations: Use research and data to make smart choices.

  • Strategic Planning: Don't just react, be proactive.

Our Happy Clients

​“Logan took the restaurant kitchen and turned it into a manageable operation, within weeks she had operation manuals and systems in place, organizing staff and putting new flare to the menus. What a pleasure it was learning and working with her.”

Ash Farrelly, Owner, The George Street Diner



Streamline Operations & Boost Efficiency

Our operational services, paired with our network of vetted resources, can help you tackle difficult and repetitive tasks. The result? A smoother-running operation and a more productive team.

Branding Services

Cut Through the Noise & Make

Your Brand Unforgettable

In today's fast-paced world, attention spans are fleeting. Your brand needs to be loud, clear, and resonate deeply with your audience.

That's where we come in.  Our team of cross-media design experts crafts compelling branding that builds trust, loyalty, and sets you apart from the competition.  

We'll help you:

  • Speak directly to your core audience:  We'll create messaging and visuals that resonate with their needs and desires.

  • Forge a lasting connection: Build trust and loyalty with a brand identity that reflects your unique personality and values.

  • Stand out in the digital age: Develop a cross-media strategy that cuts through the noise and grabs attention across all platforms.

Don't get lost in the scroll - let's create a brand that makes a lasting impression.

Company & Product Branding
Product Packaging

Menu Design
Sell Sheets
Interactive Catalogs
Meet Our Designers

Unleash the Power of Design: Your A-Team Awaits

Ready to elevate your brand and captivate your audience?  We've assembled a dream team of Pacific Northwest designers, each with a unique perspective and a shared passion for creating impactful design.


Dusty Rockets


Amy Davies

Chef Logan Niles

Food Innovation & Growth Architect

Driven by a passion for product ideation, R&D, and design, Chef Logan founded Blue Nile Consulting (BNC) in 2008. BNC bridges the gap for food businesses, from startups to established brands.

  • Shorten the Learning Curve: Equip new businesses with the tools and strategies they need to launch and thrive.

  • Spark Innovation: Infuse established companies with fresh ideas, propelling them towards continued growth.

  • Leverage Technology: Harness the power of cutting-edge tech to optimize performance and fuel success.

Partner with BNC and unlock your full potential.

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Photo credit: Amy Davies

Using a Touch Phone

Get in Touch

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Land Acknowledgement: I would like to acknowledge that my business is on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People. I would like to honor the Duwamish Tribe, past and present, as well as honor the land itself.

© Blue Nile Consulting 2023 all rights reserved.

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